Monday, October 7, 2013

Sifting Sand Pt. 1

Sifting Sand
- 1-
Far from home in a place both familiar and foreign, two mostly strangers try to keep their heads attached to their bodies and have little reason to hope of finding their way back. One desperately wants answers, the other is haunted by them.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Nightfall Pt. 2

Nightfall Pt. 2
The forces of darkness have gathered and risen under a common flag. Humanity no longer resists, merely struggles to survive.

Daytime is the only time where it's safe to rest. There's still people to worry about but the monsters rarely venture out. She couldn't be grateful to see the dawn because it meant that she'd spent the entire night shuddering in the dark little corner she had found.

Nightfall Pt. 1

Nightfall Pt. 1
The forces of darkness have gathered and risen under a common flag. Humanity no longer resists, merely struggles to survive.

The lights were out throughout the entire street. It was a sight she still wasn't used to even after living it for a decade. Her mind still clung to the memory of a world where pools of amber light fought back the darkness and everything that hid in it. She had never been afraid of the dark and despite all the things that she knew to lurk in it, she still wasn't. Still, she ached for the electric glow of her childhood that she knew she'd never see again.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Talking with myself 102 (the interview) -- Kief Dillon

Talking with myself 102 (the interview)

Rushing fingers grace like hounds on the hunt,
That’s what I am…that’s what I always have been
…hound on the hunt
What have I been hunting for
The fox?
The beast I was never able to pin my sins on?
I chase, I chase for it is my reason
I chase to feast…
…on what?
I stumble upon this thought as if I was hiding it from myself
I look down in shame, I whisper the answer
I feast on fears
…on doubts
on promises I’ve given on full knowledge of their failure
I feast on weakness and hollowed pride,
I feast on the lonely,
the broken
the humble and meek… .
A voice shouts from some wild place in my heart…then what does that make…you?
I draw upon my mind, I know the answer
I fear it’s delivery 
…I am…I…am
The beast,
The beast than reigns in crucifix, his eyes upon the rose betwixt, I wait upon the avenue, and prey upon the sheep like you, my fangs glimmer fear, my pupils the end, I dance with the children and lie to your friends, mix in with the lot of them, burn, fuck, kill all the twisted stems…I am the beast
The beast that feeds…
The true reason you fear the dark
The thing that makes you twinge and fidget…
That weird chill…
The unending ravine
I am the beast, and I stand proud of my obscenities